business reflection Questions
Business reflection questions to reflect on your business seasonally or at the end of the year.As we approach the end of a business season or end or a year, it’s a wonderful time to run through business reflection questions so that you can can start next season fresh…with a sense of renewed purpose, ready to shed the things that no longer serve you or our business, and to be proud of the things you have done this season.
Why reflect on your business through reflection questions?
Join me in taking some time to reflect on your business season or year with me. One thing I’ve seen is that the traditional version of ‘business success’ we are fed can make us feel like we haven’t achieved as much as others. If this season your business has allowed you to live a little closer to your dream then for me that is often more important than those money markers of success!
Some of the end of season or yearly business reflection prompts feel so overwhelming so I decided to simplify and create my own business reflection questions. I created 4 simple, yet deeply profound reflection questions to help you reflect on your business.
How do business reflections help you grow?
Business reflections and questions will help set your business intentions for the next year or season and make sure that you have learned from your mistakes. Working out what you want to do more and less of will also set the tone for the start of your season or year. You can make sure your energy is focussed towards the thing you find joyful in your business once you’ve worked through these business reflection questions.
If like me you can be massively critical of yourself, it’s also a good way to remind yourself of something you’ve done well.
I like to sit and each season or year write out the answers to these business reflection questions and thought they may be useful for you too. I’ll also share my own answers for this year under the reflection prompts..
Grab your notebook or journal and start to reflect on the following business reflection questions below…
My seasonal & yearly business reflection questions…
Spend some time really thinking deeply about your year. Reflect on the following business reflection questions. It’s a good idea to journal, or type these out to really dig deep…
1. What do I want to do more of next season?
2. What do I want to do less of next season?
3. One thing I am really proud of…
4. One thing I’d like to get better at…
My answers to this years business reflection questions
1. What do I want to do more of next season?
This year I’ve truly loved creating my online course as it feels like I’ll be able to help more people create their own authentic, and impactful brands. I also offered free email wisdom sessions and loved connecting, hearing about peoples business ideas and offering wisdom to help with any of their struggles. I’d love to develop this more and look at offering online zoom wisdom sessions.
I’ve also enjoyed working more in-depth on brand experiences, acting not only as a designer but as a creative director and brand strategist for all aspects from copy to packaging so I’d like to attract more brands who are looking for this.
Getting out into nature has truly inspired my business, and I’ve enjoyed creating my own artwork inspired by nature. I’d like to carry on expressing my love of nature through art and perhaps create some nature themed prints. I recently bought a campervan and want to explore working remotely a little more in this next year.
2. What do I want to do less of next season?
Since embarking on the creation of my first digital online course I’ve felt a little overwhelmed with all the extra tasks surrounding this, so I might explore bringing in someone to help me with some of those tasks as I’m finding I hardly ever get chance to work on the oh so many ideas I have. I’d like a little more balance so I’ll be taking on less projects each year so I can really dig deeper and have time to create other things and run The Forest which has been forming in my head for years!
3. One thing I’m really proud of…
Creating a business that has supported my dream to buy a campervan! It’s been my dream since the age of 6 and this year I took the plunge and bought a beautiful bright orange T4 Volswagen Campervan called Autumn! I’ve developed a remote business that gives me the freedom and flexibility to work anywhere with good wifi. I’m proud that I followed my heart and soul to go self employed and embark on this crazy journey. It felt so good that I’d made enough money to finally buy my campervan and this has all been made through working with wonderful, ethical clients!
4. One thing I’d like to get better at…
Going with the flow more and not taking things so personally in business but remaining more zen. I find criticism hard to take and as a sensitive person I feel stress easily, so I’d like to create some distance so I can switch off a little more. There will always be things to do so to remember this journey can take time and remaining in the flow and being patient will lead to less feelings of stress and overwhelm.
I started to feel fairly burned out towards the end of the year as I left no space to explore anything other than my work with clients. I’d like to balance my branding and design work with a few other offerings such as my course, brand wisdom sessions and a design shop so there is a little more diversity. I had started to panic I’d lost my love for branding, but after a bit of space I saw that I do love it, just need to not have a schedule that is so full. I’ll be taking on less projects next year, moving to value based pricing and allowing space to explore my other ideas.
planning your business season with intention
I also find using My Wilderness Planner as a great way to plan my season or year with intention. You can buy this here.
You can also book a Brand Wisdom Session to really dive deep on your brand vision. Find out more here.
And that’s it for my business reflections for this season, I hope you found these business relfection questions useful and they’ve given you more clarity for your brand! I share more empowering business tips, prompts and advice with my newsletter so feel free to sign up below.
Some resources you may find useful to reflect and plan….
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