How to tune into your powerful intution to make the 'right' business decisions.Using your intuition in business can be very powerful. Read more on how you can use your intuition to guide your business decisions and make aligned choices.
Recently I’ve had quite a few business intuition moments of coincidences and going with what ‘feels’ right in my business and tuning into my intuition. The first few months of starting your own business are probably the hardest, you are super excited but also scared and often we fall into a scarcity mindset where we take whatever job comes along.
the power of tuning into your business intuition
We tune out of our intuition in business and start doing things we ‘think’ we should do. I was very guilty of this and read all about how important networking events were so I signed up yet deep in my stomach I felt a resistance. After that I promised myself to listen to my intuition particularly with promises of work and potential projects. I’ve actually started saying ‘no’ and each time i haven’t regretted it!
My yoga teacher said we are in a new age where we have all the information we need but it is more important than ever to develop an inner wisdom and intuition that discerns what will be good and truthful and what is a waste of our time.
THE BEST IDEAS COME WHE YOU ARE IN A STATE OF FLOW and in tune with your business intuition
Here are my top tips for getting in touch with your business intuition and switching off the often distracting voices in our head that can lead us to making the wrong decisions in business and in life!
Meditation, yoga, drawing, running, walking, gardening, music making all these activities we experience ‘flow’ where we are in the moment and trusting in our natural instincts and tune into our intuition. When our mind is quiet we can listen to that inner voice and be guided by our intuition in business.
It’s not just our head that influences our emotions, studies have also shown how the gut is linked to our brain. The old saying ‘gut feeling’ proves that this has been around for centuries. So if your head thinks this new deal or investment seems too good to be true for your business then listen to your gut, is something resisting? If so then your sub conscious intuition is picking up on something that isn’t quite right. A few months later you will probably see that it was right and you will be glad you listened to your business intuition!
As a business it can be hard to carve your own unique path and ignore some of the online advice but by following your own path, tuning into your intuition, embracing your individuality and connecting with people who you are drawn to you will find that opportunities will start to arise. Through creating a strong brand I’ve connected with some amazing people naturally and this has been far better and more fulfilling than ‘networking’ events and traditional cold email selling. I’ve followed my intuition in business and these things seem to flow as opposed to when I am forcing and operating from what I think I should be doing.
When we are in meetings it can be easy to get carried away with promises and sales people know this is the best time to convince you to say yes. I always say I will think about it so I can go away, contemplate and tune in with my business intuition. Sometimes I sleep on it and that time to process will guide me to the right decision
How business intuition has empowered entrepreneurs
I’ve spoken to a few people whose work I admire and here is what they said about how tuning into their business intuition has helped their business to thrive…
“I’m all for listening to your guts and instinct. Sometimes you need to quiten everything in order to hear it properly” Susan Earlam author, blogger from www.susanearlam.com
And from Ellie from E Hirst Digital www.ehirstdigital.co.uk, explains…
“Working within social media, I have to take note of my gut feeling more often than not. A huge part of social media management is knowing when to take risks in a campaign and when not to. Sometimes it’s worth it to post the risky tweet or Facebook post, because it’s easy to get stale in creating social media content – Part of producing fresh and new content involves an element of risk. Being intuitive in business is bringing marketing back to a people-focused approach, rather than data alone.”
It’s like a secret weapon that helps you make better decisions and sets you apart from the rest. Business experts and leaders agree that intuition is very important in making decisions along with proper and sufficient data.
Intuition is a powerful tool in business decision-making. Intuition can speed up response time, take you closer to your ideal customer, and help you become a better leader. It’s like having a sixth sense that helps you see things that others can’t. – The SEO Consultant Agency
why getting into nature helps my business intuition
Nature is the best place where I can get in touch with my intuition and make the right business decisions. Find out how getting out into nature has helped my business Intuition here.
If you’d like to explore getting in touch with your business intuition and learn how to imrpove your brand out in nature then you might like to join The Forest.
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