how i knew it was time to improve my brand

I’m currently working on an amazing brand identity and it’s certainly got me thinking about my own brand and how I’m feeling like it needs a bit of a refresh! I created my own branding at the very start of my business and like anything I definitely didn’t put as much effort into it as I do when I work with clients.

It’s been 3 years since I had new photography, my hair is double the length and my brand feels more mature so my current photos aren’t quite reflecting my brand now. Also, as much as I love writing I struggle writing about my services so I’m working with a copywriter soon too on improving and simplifying my copy.

These two are things I’ve been putting off for a while but my website and ‘brand’ are the key ways I connect with people as I’m not a fan of cold selling, networking and traditional marketing. However, I know they aren’t quite where I want to be now.

I guess I don’t feel they are fully authentically reflecting where my brand is.

brands are ever-evolving

Brands are ever-evolving, we often get things going at the start and are scrabbling and making do but I think from 2-3 years in we get that itch to refine and re-align. We are more comfortable in our own business, we know who we are and are braver to tread our own path. But often visuals, copy, websites can cause a bit of a disconnect and take away the confidence in our brand.

I’ve been working on a brand identity inspired by this adventure-seeking moodboard and it’s made me reflect on where my own brand is and how it’s time to make some changes…

when i feel confident in my branding it radiates

I know if I feel confident in my own branding, website, messaging and photography then people can ‘feel’ that and that confidence radiates and attracts.

So, how is your brand feeling?

Have you had that itch to change a few things as they aren’t quite fitting (this may be down to a sort of stagnant feeling I feel has impacted my business)? And if so, what’s currently stopping you?

I sometimes feel they are mammoth tasks but the relief I felt by just sending an enquiry about booking in a photo shoot was like a breath of fresh mountain air!



take my FREE 5 day 'improve your brand' EMAIL course



If you are aching to improve your brand then take a look at my self-led Brand Builder course which will get you thinking deeply about your brand and then dive into creating a moodboard, brand visuals and colours to match. Click here to learn more.

want to learn more? Keep on reading below…